Product Comparison

If you're not sure which version of Finance Plus is most suited to your business, then take a look at our key features product comparison matrix below. Lite Expert Flagship
Key Features: Designed for the accounting needs of the small growing business Perfect for the small to medium sized established business Intended for established businesses requiring a tailored solution

Fully Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP

Finance Plus will work for you whether your business is already using Windows 10 or is operating using an older version of Windows.

Multi-User Enabled

Allows multiple users to be logged into the application at any one time. Application screens are automatically refreshed to reflect ‘real time’ changes made by other users, with fully configurable screen refresh times. 

1-10 1-100 1-500

Multi-Company Enabled

Enables you to maintain accounting ledgers for more than one business entity. Switching between ledgers is done by a click of the mouse. There is no limit to the number of ledgers which can be setup (Lite excluded).

1 unlimited unlimited

Multi-Currency Enabled

It’s easy to manage your foreign trade with Finance Plus.  Designed from the outset to encompass this functionality. This is in contrast to many rival applications on the market today which either do not offer this functionality or have had it added as an afterthought. Every transaction recorded details the ‘Original’ transaction amount, the exchange rate used for conversion and the resulting ‘Reporting’ amount. 

1 unlimited unlimited

Automatic Exchange Rate Downloads

This facility routinely downloads exchange rates for 16 major currencies including EUR and USD. This ensures accurate hassle free booking of foreign currency transactions. Exchange rate download times are fully configurable. 

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E-Mail Reports, Statements etc

Easily share reports with your colleagues and help reduce the cost of postage by sending customer invoices, statements etc electronically. 

E-Mail Shots

Create mass email shots quickly and easily.  At the click of a button email invoices, statements, chase letters out to your customers or email remittance advices to your suppliers.


Secure Transaction Authorisation & Posting

Setup different people within your organisation to enter transactions, approve them and post them. 


Data Export

Data is easily and quickly exported to a variety of formats, or directly to applications (including MS Excel or MS Outlook). Data is exportable from application dialogs and application reports. File formats include HTML, CSV, Plain Text, XLS and PDF to name a few. 

Data Import

Data can be quickly imported via a CSV file format. This is particularly useful when migrating data from your old accounting package to Finance Plus, or when you need quick input of transactional information from a third source. 

Financial Reports

Each module contains its own reports screen, so finding the report you need is easy. Generated reports can be viewed, printed, exported or emailed. Additional reports created with Crystal Reports can be imported into the application and shared with other users or kept local to a specific user. 

Preload Reports

Finance Plus ships preloaded with a huge variety of reports so you can be confident that when you need to view your data there’s a report already available which meets your requirements. 

User Friendly Interface

Designed and built by developers who understand your business’s accounting requirements. Our developers have commercial business experience as well as developer know how. 

Network Enabled

Designed for network environments workload is pushed back to your server freeing up local machine resources. 


We take security very seriously, which is why all confidential data is encrypted using ‘Blowfish’ encryption algorithms. Application user rights can be tailored quickly and easily by assigning ‘User Profiles’ to each active user. A ‘User Profile’ is essentially an electronic key. Essentially an electronic key, it restricts users to predetermined areas of the application. For example, you may want your sales ledger clerks to only gain access to the Sales Ledger module.

Historical Data Storage & Analysis 

Flexible Accounting Periods

Configure the number and length of your accounting periods in each fiscal year. For example you may have a 4 week/5 week accounting period cycle.


Used to help guide users through setup. 

Help File

Our comprehensive help file is structured to mirror the application layout, helping users to find answers to their queries quickly. 

Built Using Trusted Technologies

Built using trusted technology including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visual Studio and Business Objects’ Crystal Reports. 

Future Proof Scalability

As your organisation expands, subsidiary/related business can be set up on finance plus easily removing the need to purchase a new accounting system. Finance Plus is designed for growing organisations, aimed primarily for European entities.


Add additional modules as and when your business needs them.

Design Custom Reports

Easily create additional reports or edit existing ones using Crystal Reports. OnionSoft also offers a reporting writing service. 

Unlimited Cost Centre Analysis

Manage your business with greater accuracy by recording and analysing transactional data using unlimited user-definable cost centre dimensions. 



Try it for yourself - download our FREE 60 Day Trial version

Here are even more reasons to choose Finance Plus.   Lite Expert Flagship
Key Features: Module Designed for the accounting needs of the small growing business Perfect for the small to medium sized established business Intended for established businesses requiring a tailored solution

Fixed Asset Register

Encompassing asset relationship management (tag one asset as a child asset of another), location management and automatic depreciation journal generation. 

FA -


Enter your budgets via Budget Journals and easily monitor performance. 

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Nominal Ledger

Records your business’ assets, liabilities, income and expenses. At the heart of the Nominal Ledger is the Intuitive Graphical Nominal Chart which displays your Nominal Codes in a tree rather than just a listing. Full drill down for each nominal account is provided with further transaction drill down on demand. 


Journal Entry

Journal entries are made easy with an intuitive user interface. Functionality to journal tax amounts with tax codes is also provided. 



Deferred Revenue, Prepayments & Accruals can be managed via the deferrals feature.  This automates the release of your business’ deferred revenue, prepayments and accruals. 


Bank (Cashbook)

Record bank transactions for multiple bank accounts and record bank details such as account currency, account numbers, branch addresses etc.


BACS Functionality

Easily pay your suppliers by BACS using the Cashbook’s electronic BACS payments export facility.

CB -

Bank Reconciliation

Enter payments and receipts and save bank reconciliations part-way through. Customise the layout of the reconciliation window to mirror you bank statement look. 


Foreign Currency Bank Account Revaluation

Automatically revalue your foreign currency bank account closing balances as at your reporting date.


Sales Ledger

Stores transactional and other information about your customers. Easily keep track of invoices and credit notes sent to customers and remittances received from customers. More importantly it determines which customers owe your business money. 


Credit Control

Set customer credit limits payment terms. Give early payment settlement discounts. All customer transactions have due dates allowing full control over when invoices should be paid. Automatically produce customer statements and chase letters. 


Customer Contact Management

The majority of accounting packages allow you to store just one or two contact names per customer along with a couple of contact numbers and e-mail addresses. Finance Plus goes one step further by enabling you to store an unlimited number of invoicing, delivery and banking addresses for each customer/supplier. Each address can in turn store an unlimited number of contact names together with unlimited phone, mobile, fax and e-mail details for each contact. 


Channel Sales Management

Record a sale to a customer (end user) and bill the reseller (partner). Set up individual customer accounts and individual reseller (partner) accounts. Tag indirect customers to reseller accounts creating relationships.


Trade Debtor Revaluation

Automatically revalue your foreign currency trade debtors as at your reporting date.


Sales Order Processing

Create customer quotes, order and invoices. Convert your quotations to orders or invoices and your orders to invoices. Automatically allocate and update stock records accordingly.



Generate customer invoices by selecting stock/service product records. Invoices can be sent to multiple addresses with customisable payment terms and settlement discounts. 


Purchase Ledger

Stores transactional and other information relating to suppliers. Easily keep track of invoices and credit notes issued by your suppliers. Configure payments quickly and easily. 


Supplier Contact Management

Finance Plus enables you to store an unlimited number of invoicing, delivery and banking addresses per supplier. Each address can in turn store an unlimited number of contact names together with unlimited phone, mobile, fax and e-mail details for each contact.


Trade Creditor Revaluation

Automatically revalue your foreign currency trade creditors as at your reporting date.


Purchase Order Processing

Create purchase orders and convert them to invoices. Automatically allocate and update stock records accordingly. 


Chart of Accounts

Create fully customised chart of accounts using the drag & drop’ interface. First create your management account Categories (e.g. Fixed Assets), then any Subheadings (e.g. Motor Vehicles) and finally drag and drop the relevant Nominal ledger codes into each Subheading. 


VAT Reporting

Finance Plus stores your complete VAT history and produces detailed and summary VAT reports as well as your VAT return. 


Audit Trail

This lists every transaction ever entered into Finance Plus. Each transaction is given its own unique ‘Trans ID’ number, with numbers being allocated sequentially. The Audit Trail is a complete record of your transactions. 



Consolidates each business ledger to report one group number. Automatically converts currencies and adjusts from differences in reporting periods between ledgers.

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Try it for yourself - download our FREE 60 day trial version


Buy Finance Plus now and get 15% off your initial license fee

Offer ends 31 December 2017

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